A woman standing in front of a computer

How I Curb the Urge to Quit

I wouldn’t tell just anyone what I’m about to tell you—and only because we’re like family. At least several times a week I want to quit. Seriously. The thought crosses my mind, and not when things are going great. It’s when I face a challenge: a tough writing assignment, a book deadline, an early morning interview, or a snarky message in my inbox.

woman in despair with head on desk in office setting

The temptation to quit is a recurring theme. And if the voices in my head don’t give me enough trouble, the voices in the culture finish the job. “Quit already! There are so many others with fresher voices better able to reach the younger generation. You deserve a break! Take it easy on yourself, go and enjoy your life.”

This is nothing new. I’ve been dealing with the urge to quit for a long time. I can anticipate its arrival. And because of that, I’ve learned ways to deal with it before it drives me to the brink of resignation.

Self talk

I talk back. Forcefully—with confidence and conviction. I ask myself: Why are you doing this? There are so many other jobs you could be doing that would require less work and less time!

My answer changes frequently. Some days I do this because it brings me a lot of joy and I get to be my own boss. Now and then, I conclude I’m doing this because even though I do work 50 to 60 hours a week, every week, I still enjoy tremendous freedom to choose how and where I put in those hours.

But most of the time, the response is quick, easy, and I’m back on track in no time. It’s because of you. And me. Without you and all of the people who make up this audience, there would be nothing to quit. You’re the reason. And I am the reason, too. I need this as much—if not more—as anyone! It’s my maintenance, my financial sobriety. The work I do every day keeps me on the wagon, out of debt and moving forward.

What I do here every day of my life is the hardest work I have ever done in my life. I can’t say that I’ve done a lot of other jobs, but I once was a process server, serving subpoenas in civil lawsuits to people who absolutely did not want to be served. At night in really bad neighborhoods.

I once had a roster of 52 piano students to whom I gave 30-minute private lessons each week—while at the same time I had two babies under the age of 3. I’ve been more than happily married for 50 years to the same guy, and yes that, too, is hard work.

But this daily gig? While challenging, the benefits are greater than anyone could ever imagine. You are what keeps me on my personal straight and narrow path—this journey to financial freedom. It is truly the best program any recovering overspending addict could hope to have.

Ever feel like you’re almost to the end of your rope, and you just cannot hang on another minute? You’re not alone. Everyone goes through seasons of self-defeat, pain, and anguish.

It’s no wonder that we feel that way. What with the economy, the current state of unemployment, and rising prices—to say nothing of global uncertainty and rumors of economic collapse in daily headlines—it really is enough to make you want to pull the covers up over your head and sleep until everything gets better.

Just so you know, that is not an option. Instead, here are three proactive steps you can take  that will give you the courage to keep going:

1. Verbalize how you feel

I would caution against making this a public dissertation. Write it in journal style where you can keep it private. Tell God how you feel. Say that you are angry and bitter or are afraid to face the day.

However you choose, find a way to pour out your heart. It is cleansing to get it all out because that helps to release swirling negative thoughts. While your situation may not change, how you feel about it will.

2. Accept help from others

You really do not have to go through this by yourself. Once you determine where you are stuck, seek out help.

If you are struggling with credit card debt, for example, go to NFCC.org to find a certified credit counseling organization in your area. Make the call. Ask for help.

If it’s a medical situation where you cannot afford the cost of meds, reach out for help. Simply asking for help is going to guide you to resources you may not know exists.

3. Choose joy

Even when you are at the end of your rope, you still possess something very valuable: Your attitude. You can choose your thoughts.

You can default to pain, fear, and anguish or you can proactively choose joy.

You can focus on all that you do not have and all the stuff that’s coming at you, of you can choose to rise above that and focus on what you do have—even if that is just the air that you breathe. Embrace it. Choose to think only about things that are lovely, true, and good.

No perfect life

I do not personally know anyone who has a perfect life. On the contrary, we’re all on this journey and the road can get rocky from time to time. I’ve come to realize that what I’ve been through can either beat me down and make me bitter, or I can choose my experiences to make a difference in someone else’s life.

Many thanks

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for your loyalty, commitment, and diligence in living below your means and affirming the power of discovering new ways to save time and money every day!

Originally published 6-20-20; Updated (I’m still here! ) 1-8-24



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63 replies
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  1. Brenda Brown says:

    Dear Mary,
    With tears in my eyes as I’m writing this. Thank you for all you do. Please don’t leave us. I save your articles, refer others to your web site and search your site often.
    Out of debt
    Reformed clearance addict
    Still downsizing
    Your Friend

  2. Marsha Ingraham says:

    Since I began reading your newsletter, I have learned to make laundry soap, floor cleaners, fabric softener, bath oil, and many other products….swiffer refill liquid, disinfecting wipes….to name a couple. My house is full of homemade products! Thank you, Mary. Thank you very much!

  3. Lisa H says:

    Thank you for everything you do! I know a daily commitment can be difficult. I have a hard idea updating a work Instagram account myself! We sure appreciate all your efforts and because we are probably in the same decade (I’m 61), you are an inspiration to me!

  4. Miss Jay says:

    My husband has gotten used to me telling him “Mary says…” or “Let’s see if we can find Mary’s advice on this!” And no kidding, we have never been disappointed in following your tips. We love you 🙂

  5. MS Barb says:

    THANK YOU for your vision of helping other people avoid the mistakes of debt/over spending! I appreciate you, and the folks who contribute to this newsletter!

  6. Jeanette Kirby says:

    Hi Mary, I’ve been reading and enjoying and using your articles for over ten years. This one on not quitting has inspired me to ask you to write about the opposite problem – fear of getting started.

  7. Ali A. says:

    Mary, I must admit I had not thought about how hard being there every day for us takes its toll on you. I can say that it means the world to me. Like others I too look forward to your emails & great advice more than any other mail I get. I have followed you from almost the very beginning and have learned so much. Life is better for me because you do the hard work of researching how to live better & more frugally. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Much love to you & your family.

  8. Gina Stevens says:

    If your column stopped coming into my inbox, I’d feel like I lost a family member. I quote you so often that people tease me about it. You are my most trusted source of information. And, I often get a laugh from your column. Thanks for ALL that you do to keep me inspired.

  9. Susan says:

    Mary – I agree with the positive responses. Your email is one I read – as emails come – I glance and delete many but not yours. I glance to see – do I read now or save for later. I love how you recommend certain products and have purchased many because of your recommends. I love your hints. You are encouraging and a friend that comes to my house on the daily. Thank you – be encouraged! We appreciate you!

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