female hands gardening on wood table surrounded by tools and plants

10 Little Known Ways to Get Free Seeds, Tools, and Other Gardening Supplies

Regardless of whether you’re an experienced gardener or a beginner, due to the present economic conditions, you may be hesitant to fork out money on gardening supplies and tools. Here’s some good news: There are a surprising number of places where you can pick up free seeds and gardening supplies.

female hands gardening on wood table surrounded by tools and plants

There’s nothing like Spring with the promise of warmer weather just around the corner—together with soaring prices in the supermarket produce department—to awaken one’s inner gardener.

In this guide, we’ll delve into ten practical strategies for acquiring free gardening supplies, ranging from seeds to tools. As the seasons change and nature comes to life, let’s explore the opportunities available to gardeners, tapping into resourcefulness and community support along the way.

1. Local Gardening Groups

female gardener holding iphone colorado gardeners facebook group in tomato garden

Looking for gardening groups in your local area, either online via Facebook or in-person, could be a great idea. You may find that experienced gardeners are eager to help beginners get started. If any member of the group has recently upgraded their gardening equipment, has extra soil or mulch, or has plant cuttings available for propagation, they may be willing to donate these items to individuals in need.

2. Local, City, County Government

laptop outdoors with green lawn in background with denver government garden program website

The availability of free gardening supplies from your local government or park service may vary based on your location. Nevertheless, it is worth checking for programs that provide residents with seeds, mulch, or other supplies. And it would not be surprising to discover that your city collects compost that you can acquire for free to use as fertilizer in your garden.

3. Local Buy Nothing Group

buy nothing gardening freebies local group

If you haven’t already joined your local Buy Nothing Group on Facebook, it is highly recommended that you do so as soon as possible. These groups are dedicated to helping community members fulfill their needs without purchasing new items. Members will offer items they no longer need, which they are willing to donate to someone in the community who can use them.

Keep an eye out for any gardening supplies or plants that may be available. Additionally, you can also create a post to request specific items you require, such as seed packets, mulch, or gardening tools. Submit a request to the group, and you may come across individuals who have gardening supplies sitting idle in their garage or shed.

4. Tree Service Companies

mulch in red wheelbarrow green lawn

If you have connections with individuals who work for a tree service company, or are open to making new connections, they could potentially help you obtain free mulch.

Tree service firms spend much of their time cutting down trees and branches, processing them through a wood chipper, which produces an abundance of wood chips that can serve as mulch for your garden. Additionally, these wood chips could assist you in creating a low-maintenance lawn that you’ve been desiring.

5. Starbucks

mulch in red wheelbarrow green lawn

Although it may not be the first thing you think of, Starbucks can actually be a great source for free gardening supplies. The popular coffeehouse chain offers complimentary coffee grounds, which are a fantastic fertilizer for your garden. Learn more here.

Spent coffee grounds are rich in essential minerals like nitrogen, iron, calcium, and magnesium, all of which promote healthy plant growth. Moreover, coffee grounds can help attract more worms to your garden and even absorb heavy metals from the soil.

6. Local Public Library

public library historic building

Your local public library can be an excellent source for obtaining free seeds. Take a look at the library’s calendar to see if there are any upcoming gardening events. Such events may offer free seeds or other gardening supplies to participants.

Some community libraries are also finding ways to assist their city’s residents more extensively. Many have started providing free seeds to help those experiencing food insecurity to grow their food. It’s worth checking with your nearby libraries to see if they’re involved in any similar initiatives.

7. Online Marketplace

screenshot craigslist gardening supplies

If you’re on the hunt for free gardening supplies, consider checking out online marketplaces such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Many people use these platforms to give away items they no longer need, and you may be able to find valuable gardening supplies for free. By keeping an eye out for these listings, you can save money while still obtaining the items you need to tend to your garden.

8. Free Milkweed Seeds

blackeyed susan butterfly

Seeing a monarch butterfly up close in your garden is super exciting. Their expansive wings, adorned with distinctive black and orange patterns, are simply amazing. But beyond their visual appeal, these creatures play a crucial role as pollinators for various fruits and flowers. One of the most effective ways we can help monarch butterflies is to plant milkweed seeds in our gardens.

Little Wings offers free milkweed seeds to gardeners, students, and enthusiasts to support the conservation of butterflies and their habitats. To order free seeds, go to Little Wings and click “Add to cart” then “Checkout.” That’s it. (A donation is not required but greatly appreciated.)

9. Friends and Neighbors

neighbors gardening tools

Before you go out and buy gardening supplies, it’s a good idea to check with your friends and neighbors to see if they have any unused gardening tools they can give you. They might also have extra soil, mulch, or seeds that they ordered for their own garden that they’d be happy to share. Certain plants, like tomato plants, spider plants, and azaleas, can be propagated from cuttings. So, if your friends or neighbors have any of these plants, it’s worth asking if they’d be willing to give you a few cuttings to grow in your own garden.

10. Your Kitchen

squash seeds in kitchen

If you’re interested in growing your own produce, a great way to start is by saving seeds from fruits and vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash the next time you eat them. Depending on your climate and the type of fruit or vegetable, you may be able to plant these seeds directly in your garden. This can be a cost-effective and rewarding way to start your own garden and enjoy fresh produce all season long.


Question: What’s the most unexpected place you’ve found useful gardening resources or inspiration? Let me know down below in the comments section.


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10 replies
  1. Theresa phillips says:

    I love planting free flowers and trees. I have cut starts from offices ,hospitals, zoos , any where I see a beautiful plant ., I take a small stem and just tuck them in my pocket book in a wet towel . Pop them in the ground and enjoy. I love seeing all the butterflies and hummingbirds that have found my home and love it.

    • Bonnie says:

      Do you ever get in trouble for stealing other people flowers?, I guess it’s not stealing if you are in the woods but how do u do it when they are the governments or a corporate office? I just wanted to know what the drawl back is? And on that note I did ask try it but asked before I clipped, thankfully she was very nice and let me take whichever I wanted

  2. Charles E Bonner Sr says:


    I am looking for some free seeds seeds. In particular some Touch me not seeds.
    Your Friend Chuck

    • Debbie says:

      Hi Chuck, Where are you located? In my area, “Touch Me Nots” grow wild. We have the common orange and I have also seen larger yellow ones.

    • Bonnie says:

      Hey Chuck, I just started planting vegetables from the ones I got in the store whenever I buy something that has seeds I plant them

    • Mary Hunt says:

      Yes, we have made that adjustment. As you might have experienced, things change. We cannot guarantee past publiaiton date. Think of $3 as a donation with a thank you gift?


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