A man standing on top of a hill

How to Get Your Perspective Back on Track

These days, it’s easy to fall into the muck and mire of worry and defeat. Personal crises like a financial emergency, the loss of a job—or worse, your home—punctuated by the daily news can ruin your perspective and dump you into a pit of despair.

What you need to know today is that even when things seem completely hopeless, there’s always a way out. That’s not to say that you should slip into denial when bad things happen. But good things also happen.

A man standing on a rock

By learning how to control our thoughts and stepping back to see the bigger picture, we can climb out of that pit and into the sunshine of a new day. It’s all about learning how to get our perspective back on track.

Feelings are fickle

Our feelings cannot be trusted. They send messages to our brains that are not always reliable. Today, your emotions, like mine, may be all over the map. Instead of allowing our feelings to run the show, we need to take control by writing things down in clear, simple sentences. Acknowledge the facts. It is what it is—no better, but no worse, either. 

Allow yourself to mourn

The loss is real, so don’t deny it. Feel the hurt and the pain, but don’t stop there. Keep moving through it. And don’t beat yourself up if you need some help. Grief comes in many forms, and you may benefit from a qualified counselor to help you navigate through this period.

The future is better than you think

We’ve hit some bumps in the road. All of us are living through things we never dreamed would knock us off course like this. Even if you feel like you’ve lost everything, consider it a heartbreaking interruption on your journey. While things appear cloudy right now, you do have a bright future.

Dwell on the positive

The simple act of gratitude will change your perspective. Compared to about 95 percent of the people on this earth, you are wealthy and blessed with abundance. You may not have it all, but when you get right down to it, you do have enough. You’ve had a setback or two, but it’s not the end of the road. Failure is not the end unless you quit. We can’t allow one setback—or even a series of setbacks—to define us.

Don’t give up. Never, ever

No matter what. You know what they say about quitters: They never prosper. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Lift your head up high. What looks like darkness right now is just a cloud. Behind it, the sun is shining on the bright future!


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  1. Belle Mieloch says:

    Mary I am 77 and have arthritis and an immune disease. I also have chronic pain. What this has taught me is Gods in control. I do not need to worry or be stressed. This has not impacted me too much, because I know I am not in charge. I do my best I stay home as much as possible only every two week trips to Dams and grocery store. I coat my nose with ointment before I go my Dr. recommended this as it helps you nose not to absorb fine particles. I carry my Sniper wipes. I am so blessed too blessed to be stressed over this. I pray that this will be over soon. But I think it is a lesson to all of us. I hope we learn. May God bless you and your family protect and guide you.

  2. Gaye Harwell says:

    I am a widow and live alone. I find connection by e-mailing and texting friends and family, joining in online church and Bible study. And you can always call another person who is shut in. I’m also reading, spring cleaning, and watching some shows I haven’t had a chance to watch before.

    • Arlene says:

      Thanks Mary for all the years that you’ve been helping people. Of course I’m not happy being so confined. You know how much you want something when you can’t have it. So it’s a mind game. I’m taking this opportunity to get projects done around the house that I never seem to find the time to do. That and my faith in God is what’s going to get me through this. Read Psalm 91. It’s very comforting. Soon we’ll be looking back at this and saying, remember when.
      God bless us all.

      • Becky says:

        Arlene, I love Psalm 91! I, too, find much comfort in the Bible, especially those verses spoken by Jesus in the New Testament. My favorite verse right now during this world-wide crisis is from John 16:33 where Jesus said, “I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In this world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

        What a comfort and encouragement from our Savior who knows what we’re going through right now and is always available to call upon during times of great stress.

        If anyone reading this wants to know more about how God can help them right now during this crisis, I would urge them to go to this website: peacewithgod.net. There’s excellent articles there, but also a link where you can chat with someone or send a email with questions.

  3. Starr says:

    It is hard to keep a prospective on a day to day basis, especially as the isolation continues. We are some of the lucky ones, we have a yard, to be out in, and work in. My heart and prayers are for those in cities, in apartments (especially with kids ). Each person has unique challenges, so there should be no short tempers, no criticism. Your suggestions are excellent, thank you.

  4. Yvonne says:

    I’m essential personnel so I still interact with people almost daily. My concern is keeping enough distance and doing everything possible to stay healthy.

  5. Donna says:

    Thank you, Mary. For those of us who are OK at this time, I encourage you to think of how you can help someone else.

  6. Richard says:

    It seems that those of us who are widows and widowers are being put out to sea on an ice floe. We do not have other humans with which to interact. I have resorted to going to the grocery for a few items at a time just so I have someone to speak with. I guess this will pass in time but it seems like forever to me.

    • Sky says:

      Hi Richard,
      Yes, I keep hearing one of the “upsides” to this is you get to spend more time with your family. But like you, I am also living alone, so that doesnt really help us, does it?
      Do you have any pets? I know they cant talk to you, but I have two dogs and they are a great comfort to me..I am hanging in there, doing embroidery and binge reading all the way through my Sidney Sheldon shelf, lol
      Hang in there, indeed “This too shall pass.”

  7. Janet Roberts says:

    Hi Mary. Thanks for the uplifting message, Here in Canada we are in the same situation, maybe not as advanced, yet.
    I am Harold’s cousin and in effect, yours. I was wondering what my parents, Edith and Don and George and Gwen would think about all this but they did go through wartimes.
    We need to continue praying for our countries, health care workers and family and neighbours through all of this.
    Thanks for your daily inspirational emails
    Janet Roberts

    • Mary Hunt says:

      Well … Hello Janet! We’re all family here, so I’ll just ask you straight out, because Harold will want to know, too: Which Hunt do you belong to? How amazing to meet up here. I am so blessed to have you in both my families—EC and Hunts, too. You’ve just made my day!

      • Janet Roberts says:

        Hi Mary

        I am from the Edith branch, my parents Don and Edith Mackenzie who had the family farm in Mt. Vernon after Grandpa Hunt. I remember Uncle George and Aunt Gwen and the kids coming and we played on the veranda. It was always exciting. My Mother highly regarded George and Gwen, Mom was the 4th of the 9 Hunt kids. I am the youngest of the 4 daughters.

  8. Lorianne e sward says:

    Such a timely post. Even though I knew this, I REALLY needed to hear it. Thank you for helping me stay grounded.

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