daffodil collage

Lessons from a Daffodil Garden

I love the story author Jaroldeen Edwards tells (Things I Wish I’d Known Sooner) of the trip she took with her daughter one bleak and rainy day. She wasn’t thrilled to drive more than two hours to see flowers some woman had planted. But her daughter insisted. “You’re going to love this, Mom!” Tell me what mom could resist going along with that kind of enthusiasm.

Mountains in fog
They drove along the Rim of the World Highway, inching their way toward Lake Arrowhead through fog and drizzle in the San Bernardino Mountains, north of Los Angeles, Calif.

By now, Jaroldeen was so agitated, she was certain she was being kidnapped by her daughter. Still not convinced this could be worth the trouble, she kept her mouth shut while Carolyn parked next to a small stone church and announced they would need to walk along a path, through huge, black-green evergreens and over a thick blanket of old pine needles.

Just as they turned the corner, Jaroldeen stopped dead—literally gasping in amazement. “There before me was a most incredible and glorious sight! So unexpected and unimagined.”

daffodil hillside

From the top of the mountain, sloping down several acres across folds and valleys, between the trees and bushes, following the natural flow of the terrain, were rivers of daffodils in radiant bloom. Every color of the spectrum of yellow-blazed like a carpet before them.

Why? How? Her mind flooded with questions for how this could be.

The Daffodil Garden is the handiwork of one woman. A former Los Angeles High School art teacher, Gene Bauer, with her husband, still lives on the property. Their small home (rebuilt after having been destroyed by fire two times) fits perfectly into the scene in the midst of all the glory.

As Jaroldeen approached the mountain home situated in that sea of yellow, she saw a sign posted by someone who was clearly tired of answering the same questions:


Answers to the Questions I Know You are Asking

One Woman
Two Hands, Two Feet
Very Little Brain
One Bulb at a Time
Started in 1958


This one woman, beginning in 1958, planted each daffodil bulb by hand, one at a time. No shortcuts.

Year after year, one dried-up seemingly-lifeless bulb at a time, she planted more than 1,000,000 bulbs. She forever changed her world by creating something of magnificence, beauty, and inspiration.

This garden consists of daffodils planted in drifts over the contours of a mountainous terrain covering vast portions of the entire five acres. There are paths that lead to eight sitting and viewing areas.

It is a private garden, designed, personally maintained, and financed by (Alma) Gene Bauer and husband, Dale Bauer.

The period of bloom covers a season of six weeks in the Spring. By their very nature, some bulbs bloom early, some mid-season, and some late. Each flower is in good condition for two weeks—if not damaged by winter storms.

Gene Bauer selected and planted every bulb on the entire expanse of this breathtaking garden. Dale has assisted in the design of the garden and with the construction of the paths and bench shelters.

Just trying to grasp the enormity of this story—this woman—sent me into research mode. I turned up details that still boggle my mind. Suddenly my petty areas of overwhelm—my tiny garden—appear so puny by comparison so as to be minuscule.

  • Over 1,000,000 bulbs planted.
  • There are three to ten flowers per bulb.
  • The planting has taken place over 49 years.
  • The goal: Plant 1,000 bulbs a day as time and weather permit.
  • Some bulbs planted in 1958 are still blooming.
  • No artificial watering.
  • No fertilizing.
  • Never dug out and divided.
  • Deadheading (removing spent flowers) is the only care received.
  • More than 500 different varieties of daffodils planted.
  • All bulbs planted are hybrids.
  • After clearing and spading an area to be planted, Gene sat on the ground and planted each bulb using a hand trowel.
  • Even on the two occasions as fires ravaged the property above ground, the bulbs hunkered down, only to rise again the following spring—year after year, after year.


I love to read and recall this story because it holds so many life lessons. As I write, I am waiting and watching for my first daffodil to peek its little head out of the ground. Oh, how the promise of spring makes my heart sing! It fills me with enthusiasm, gratitude, joy—and promise!

Gene Bauer’s example has inspired me to see the “five acres” in my life not as impossibilities but as challenges to tackle—with a plan in mind, a trowel in hand, one “bulb” at a time.

How about you? What do you need to accomplish? Declutter your home? Plant a  garden? Build an emergency fund, pay down your debt, downsize to a smaller lifestyle?

Why not get started today? Take that first step. Then take another over and over again, one baby step at a time.

You will be amazed at what will come of your effort no matter how small. Soon you’ll be changing the landscape of your life one tiny, beautiful step of promise at a time.

For 40 years, Gene Bauer opened her property for three weeks each spring, free of charge, so the public could bask in the glory of all that yellowness; in the passion and hard work of a woman intent on making the world a more beautiful place.

Bauer said the people who flocked to her home each year were generally polite and respectful. But she’s elderly now, and preparing the property for visitors has become too much to handle. In 2009, she posted signs around her house saying the Daffodil Garden was closed to visitors forever.

It still is, but now Bauer has filled the void with a different offering of beauty. Her collected artistic works are found in the book Botanical Serigraphs: The Gene Bauer Collection.




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19 replies
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  1. John Williamson says:

    That is beautiful, both the pictures, and the story behind the pictures. I very rarely care to comment on a post, but this deserves the most beautiful of comments , but nothing I say can match the beauty of her daffodil garden.

  2. Luisa says:

    Mary, this is a beautiful and inspirational post, and yes, it applies to so much in life. I understand why Ms. Bauer had to close it, though it’s sad to know she can’t share her gardens in person any longer. We have a beautiful daffodil garden here in Georgia called Gibson Gardens. I haven’t been yet, but hope to go next year. You can see some stunning pictures of it on the site.

  3. kathy kitchen says:

    I lke this, from her obit After her youngest child started kindergarten, Jerry began writing and published 12 books. Her last published work, The Daffodil Principle, originally appeared more than 10 years ago as a story in her book Celebration!. Since that time, the story has gained international popularity and has been retold innumerable times with its simple message: Start today, one step at a time, to change your world.

    • Mary Hunt says:

      Yes … I added a link at the end of the post where you can read what Gene Baurer wrote about exactly how she did this! 600 before lunch, 400 after lunch … on the days she planted.

      • Ellen C. says:

        Thank you for adding her planting method. She must have hands and arms of steel. In our dirt I have to use an auger on a power drill and that is still hard on the hands. I plant a couple hundred each season and hope for the best. 5 acres of daffodils – what an accomplishment.

  4. Robin Brown says:

    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

    I wandered lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

    Continuous as the stars that shine
    And twinkle on the milky way,
    They stretched in never-ending line
    Along the margin of a bay:
    Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
    Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

    The waves beside them danced; but they
    Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
    A poet could not but be gay,
    In such a jocund company:
    I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
    What wealth the show to me had brought:

    For oft, when on my couch I lie
    In vacant or in pensive mood,
    They flash upon that inward eye
    Which is the bliss of solitude;
    And then my heart with pleasure fills,
    And dances with the daffodils.

  5. Gina Stevens says:

    Love this post. Daffodils are the most rewarding flowers. Even after the bleakest winter, they multiply and wake up—sometimes in a bed of snow! Added bonus: They’re deer resistant.

  6. eveh says:

    What a lovely story. I do know the lesson about baby steps. I learned that when I was nearly bed ridden. Being consistent and taking baby steps can accomplish a lot. Thanks for this story. It reminds me of a favorite poem about a field of daffodils.

  7. Mary Davis says:

    Mary, my girlfriend and I had the privilege of driving out there one cloudy drizzly morning to see the spectacular daffodils we had heard about. It was absolutely amazing we were moved to almost to tears. We did see the sign that that was the last year it would be open to the public. So we felt doubly blessed that we got there in the nick of time. Thanks for sharing this story reminds me of that special day. Mary Davis

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