you got this sign encouragement positive attitude

Encouragement: The One Thing We Need to Keep Going

Encouragement, in its simplest form, has the power to uplift spirits, instill confidence, and propel us beyond our limitations. Yet, admitting our need for it can sometimes stir feelings of vulnerability or pride. Nevertheless, acknowledging this fundamental human need opens the door to a world of support, camaraderie, and shared experiences.

you got this sign encouragement positive attitude

Encouragement is a basic need or perhaps a character flaw; I’m not quite sure. All I know is that I need encouragement, and I need it often. I have a feeling that you do too. Getting out of debt, living below our means, and learning how to manage our money can be a very discouraging proposition at times.

A bit of encouragement can uplift us and propel us forward. Admitting how much we need encouragement might sting our pride, but we can all benefit from a helping hand now and then.

Encourage one another

Encouragement means giving someone support, confidence, or hope, often through words that help or inspire them to keep going. It might be as simple as paying attention and listening. A comment or sincere words of praise can make all the difference to a friend who is feeling defeated.

Your encourager

I want to become an encourager in your life—someone you can count on to cheer you on in the good times and help you dust yourself off so you can get up and back on track during the bad.

I want to be the one you can always count on to help you see the big picture and point out the glimmers of joy in seasons of sorrow. I want to be there to help pull you up to the top of the mountain so you can see all the beauty below.

Finding support

Over the years, I have built up my own collection of “encouragers.” Some are people, but some are books, websites, and activities like exercise and prayer. I know the people, places, and things that are a source of encouragement for me. I count on them. They help me focus and give me the confidence to keep going. I try to concentrate more on them than on people and situations that tend to be “discouragers.”

At times, we all face self-doubt, insecurity, and discouragement, feeling like quitting instead of persevering. Often, all it takes is a bit of encouragement to keep going.

One of my favorite encouragers is a short essay written by Charles Swindoll, a well-known and beloved author. I’ve kept this short essay close to me for years and have read it so often that I’ve memorized it.

I want to encourage you to pay attention to your attitude. Print out the following if you can and then stick it in a place where you will see it first thing every morning. Re-read it. Apply it to your life for the day.

Do this for one whole month and you’ll have it committed to memory. In the process, you’ll have a new habit of choosing your attitude for the day, even before you choose what to wear. And how encouraging is that?



“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company … a church … a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past … we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.

And so it is with you and me. We are in charge of our attitudes.”

— Charles Swindoll


I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for friends who have encouraged me, and prayed for me. You have given me an attitude of gratitude and a heart full of joy. Thank you!


Question: What are some of your favorite sources of encouragement, whether they’re people, books, websites, or activities? How do you stay motivated when facing challenges like managing finances or getting out of debt? Let’s share our go-to encouragers and lift each other up!


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    • Mary Hunt says:

      Hi Deborah … Lots on this subject on this site! Click on the search icon (right side top and another at the bottom right—magnifying glass icon) and type in a keyword, i.e. hardwood or floor. You get a list of posts on keeping all types of floors clean on a budget!

      • Hannelore Lieser says:

        For cleaning floors and carpets, I recommend keeping it simple. There is always a damp rag which works well on most things and it is cheap. Then there is Simple Green. I have used a diluted formula of this product for cleaning carpets. It doesn’t leave all the residue that carpet cleaning products leave. The residue tends to attract more dirt, so it is a good idea to avoid products that leave stuff behind.

  1. Imogene says:

    I needed that! Woke this morning to the news that my niece is now with Jesus. Also woke up this morning that we, my husband, 3 boys and wives and 3 grandchildren and I would travel over 400 miles to see my mother in law for possibly the last time too. We are so tired from the long trip. Here’s my two encouragers’ messages: You are a strong woman and know that initially it is overwhelming when we lose family members … but little by little and bit by bit as we face the realities of situations and pray about it .. we come up with answers of what we are called on to do and with the magnificent help from above we get through !!!’Just hold those
    Beautiful grandchildren close, treasure them and go forward❤️ and this: How’s the driving? We will continue to pray…

  2. Adele says:

    Dear Mary,
    Your honest, helpful words, financial tips, an d genuine kindnesses are amazing. Thank you for all of them.

    One grateful reader!

  3. Linda Radosevich says:

    Mary, thank you for being our encourager! Your insight and helpful articles are always encouraging. My best encourager is Jesus, followed by my husband John and daughter AND son-in-law Christy and Arno. If I tell them I need help, they jump in with their uplifting perspectives!

  4. Debbie says:

    Mary – love,love your posts. As I read your post today, Easter Sunday, it was a boost to my inner soul. I have struggled lately & this post was just the reminder I needed. Thank you for sharing your love of humanity. You matter

  5. Sharon McIntosh says:

    I so enjoy Everyday Cheapskate & have followed you for years! Have learned much!
    Love your positive attitude & your love for Jesus! Keep up the good work!

  6. Lura Mathews says:

    When I saw your Chuck Swindoll post it reminded me that I had had that on my refrigerator for years. It is the single most helpful quote in my life. Every day I try to remind myself that I am in charge of my attitude, no one else. I choose to be a blessing to those around me with a cheerful and positive attitude. (Besides, no one pays attention to you if you are negative or a complainer). Continue reminding us to always be of positive attitude. Thank you

  7. Janet Yoder says:

    I have read your email for MANY years and so enjoy it and frequently benefit from your advice 🙂 And I have had Chuck Swindoll’s article about attitudes on my refrigerator for many years!!! I so agree with his words too 🙂 Thanks for all your sound advice. Keep up your great work! A long time penny pincher, Janet Yoder

  8. Kitty Thompson says:

    Dear Mary – I would like to thank you for all you do. You have helped generations of people get out of debt, and your hints and tricks have helped so many with daily problems. I love your newsletter – can’t wait to open it every day! You are the best. Thank you

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