
Relax. Deep Breath. Prepare.

If you’re one to closely  follow the news of the day, it’s easy to fall into a state of worry and despair. The potential threats and the number of ways these threats could impact our lives is at the least concerning, and at the most, staggering.


While it might be a natural response to panic, now is not the time. However, doing nothing while hoping for the best is not a good strategy either.

Granted, there is nothing we can do about the big stuff, but we can use every opportunity to become strong and resilient so we are prepared to weather these kinds of coming storms.

Now is the time to assess and prepare. Determine to accept what you cannot change, know what you can, then start taking baby steps to be prepared with a simple, clear emergency plan. That means emergency stockpile of food, water, and basic needs for self-defence and safety. This kind of action will bring a sense of calm, and isn’t that what we really desire?



Make sure you have a stock of non-perishable foods you and your family like and will eat. Think can goods, dry beans, pasta, etc. food that will last and not go bad if the power and banking systems go down.


In most homes, water is delivered via electricity. Should things turn ugly, power outages are a near certainty—getting water could be a problem. You can prepare today by filling water bottles, jugs, and bathtubs (make sure that if you have small children and pets, to safely provide a sure barrier from a full tub of water). Prepare as if you are under a hurricane watch.


Hurricane veterans know that if your electric and or gas systems go down, be prepared to to cook your refrigerated and frozen food within a day or two on your grill. Freezers will keep things iced for up to 48 hours, maybe a little longer. But at some point, you will need to cook that food.


If supply chains are hit, power goes down, and banks are closed, obtaining your medicine will become difficult at best. Stock up if you can. Beg your doctor to give you an extra supply of meds. Be prepared to pay cash as your insurance company likely won’t cover extras. Act now. Once pharmacies close, there won’t be much you can do.


Desperate people act desperately. They do unsavory things with a clear conscience to ensure the survival of their own families. Home invasions are a legitimate concern. Don’t let your home become a target of opportunity. Keep your doors and windows locked. Now is the time to set up defense measures in and around your home. Then make sure you are easily able to deploy those measures.


Keep your gas tanks full. Buy an extra 5-gallon gas can or two and keep them full, too. Should we get out of this and in the clear this time, you’ll have a nice hedge against rising fuel prices.


Expect ATMs,  electronic cash registers, credit cards, or debit card processing to go down. In that case, stores and shops will have no choice but to accept cash only. Keep extra cash on hand—enough to cover essential costs for a few weeks at least. Keep it in a secret location that only you and one other person know about.




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