In 2013, on the Sunday after Pastor Rick and Kay Warren lost their son to suicide, Rick’s message, “What to Do On the Worst Day of Your Life,” had a huge impact on my life.

Despair at the loss of a child

I had not experienced “the worst day of my life” then, nor have I since. But I was prompted to begin living with anticipation that I will pass through that kind of deep water. And so I took notes, asking God to allow Rick and Kay’s experience and wisdom to prepare me.

1. Weep

Cry out to God … I Sam 30:3-4 … weep until you have no strength. Jesus wept.

The emotions of Jesus. He did not deny his emotions. Didn’t allow them to run his life. Buried emotions ruin your life. Shared emotions release you from their bondage. Not desperate but dependent.

Cry out to God for peace, for strength. I need you. I cannot get through this without your peace and your grace.

2. Don’t get bitter

Bitterness causes us to blame others. The hurt is so great. Where do you go with it? That place of bitterness can be toward God. No matter what I face, God will walk beside me through every step. There is a strength and a grace and a love from him that I don’t have to be alone. Comes from unforgiveness. Forgiving releases it from hurting me anymore.

3. Encourage yourself in God

When you feel hopeless, encourage yourself in God. Get around God’s people. Encourage each other. Be with others. Don’t be alone. Alone, hope leaks out of your life like air in a balloon. Leaks out slowly.

Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd

Isa. 40 … rise up on wings like eagles

John… Trust in God … I am going to prepare a place for you. I am the way the truth and the life

Find hope amidst the tears and grief … how do you make it without this hope in Christ?

4. Look to the future with hope

Not in circumstances … but in Jesus Christ in his resurrection … after you’ve wept.

5. Attack evil

That’s the way you defeat it. Attack it. Inner accusation. It’s not your life … it’s Jesus’ life in your living out his life through you! Go to the cross where the victory was won.

Col 2:15. God took away Satan’s ability to defeat you. It’s not who I am but who Jesus is. Satan was defeated there.

II Tim 4:18. He will bring me safely. Picture me as rescued from the evil in this world. When faced with evil … do good.

Rom 12:21. Overcome evil with good. No good thing will he withhold from us. Don’t live in fear of Satan. The goodness of God is greater than the evil of Satan.

Let the pain become your decision to fight evil. God will never give up on you. Ever.

Romans 8:
I want to hold on to what will last. I trust in You!